Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Its past midnight here but our resolve is only stronger

No election returns yet as we wait to see if change has finally come. I feel like 2008 is going to be a cataclysmic year. One that may flip the world upside down with unexpected events. Who knows, tonight we may get some answers we may be left further in chaos as the democratic battle keeps on going for many more months.

Let the night begin in Thailand

We begin to live blog our quest to stay up all night for supertuesday in support of barack and the elections.

The time is now for the younger people of this country to stand up for change and restore some decent leadership to washington.

Here are some links covering the story from the night

A video that proves the power of youtube

this is a video that has gotten over a million views in three days online. Lots of free advertising in the web 2.0 era

A Moment In History That I will never forget

This is it. The night has come or for everybody else in America the dawn is just breaking on the coast. Super tuesday is here and the race is on for the whitehouse.

The time has come for me to join up and participate in this historic election at the tipping point of so many crucial issues all around the world. This night is really for me that I want to be proud of my country again. That means for me supporting Barack Obama. This movement for change begins now.

My goals tonight are to take part in this historic primary online in the form of the blog. Currently i'm in bangkok, thailand but as a teacher of american history I want to create a digital artifact for my students to look at and hopefully recreate some of the excitement of the presidential race of 2008

I will be linking articles, videos, and pics as well as capturing all of the ups and downs of the race.

Cheers America, tdub

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Haven't been adventuring been moving

Well haven't made it out of town do any adventuring right now I'm in the process of moving, but on the weekend of May 16th got a mountaineering trip planned for diamond peak, all kinds of possibilities, my brother is also coming back into town this week so hopefully he will be able to go, anyways stay tuned for mor backcountry adventures

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

PB Wiki are Awesome

I'm using PB wikis in my middle classroom and they are a phenomenal tool for educating students.

Check out the PBwiki tour!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Midnight Ninja Riders float Tahkenitch Creek

This weekend I embarked on a float trip through the oregon dune ecosystem south of Florence OR. My buddies Shima, Jared and I took off on a Friday afternoon with canoe and all of the necessary supplies for a float trip.
The plan:
Put in boat at Tahkenitch lake and paddle through the lake to Tahkenitch creeka and eventually make our way to the ocean.

What actually happened: We put at Tahkenitch boat ramp, while we were loading the canoe we realized just how full she was going to be, with backpacks, camping equipment, and beer. I was the last one to get in, in the middle of the canoe when I got in the boat was real tippy, tippy to the point where we nearly capsized before ever leaving the boat ramp, our stuff got wet as some water flooded into the boat, thoroughly scared and all of us asking ourselves what the hell we had just gotten ourselves into. We got out of the canoe and decided that two people should float and one follow along the bank until we got to the creek. That would have worked if we could get to the creek, but after paddling to where the entrance should have been we saw that there was a dam. We had to reevaluate the plan we paddled back to the car, took a look at the guidebook realized that the dam was right there on the map and that we needed to drive a half mile back to another parking area where we could get access to the creek below the dam. We loaded the canoe back on the car drove down to the other parking area and made the portage to the creek.

This time we were able to successfully manage three people in the canoe without tipping. It was dark though and there was definately tree obstacles, all i can say is that maglites are awesome and are alot brighter than a head lamp. We made it throgh the twists and turns of the river and we would occasionally hear the roar of the ocean as we cut stealthily through the water. We became the Midnight Ninja Riders, cutting through water without making a noise. We found a spot camp along the river and to our surprise there was a fair amount of dry wood and soon we had a campfire to stare at until the wee hours of the night.

Second day: it had rained all night but had stopped when we woke up, we took the canoe further down the stream, got out hiked to the ocean, like always the beach was windy really windy, we took back to the protection of the dunes and paddled further down the creek until we spotted a sand glacier in the distance. We took off through the brushband which is a nearly impenetrable fortress of brush, trees, swamps, and spiky bushes and finally got onto the eerie sand dunes. All of the sudden the landscape is rolling hills of giant sandunes and we spotted the sand glacier that we had wanted to climb. We made it to the top and had an incredible view of the ocean the surrounding bluffs and the gigantic dunes. The day was ended by paddling back upstream to camp, to stare at the fire once again

Third day: Packed up camp and paddled back upstream the Midnight Ninja Riders had completed their mission and we hastily made our way back to Eugene, where the weather was incredibly warm and it felt as if it was the first day of summer.